Music is so important that we have created a separate page. This page is work in progress and will continue to develop.
Keep checking back.
Music Policy (edited from faq's)
What kind of music will you play?
We love all different types of music from the sound of rain on a dustbin lid to a full classical orchestra.
At decaDance we will be focusing on music which is essentially ideally suited to expressive and
interpretative social partner dancing. Most of this is firmly rooted in the black music tradition. This
will include blues, reggae, salsa, jazz, soul, rnb, swing, tango, show tunes. We encourage people to experiment
+ try their styles of dance to very different musical genres. WestCoastSwing dancers do this a lot.
Tangoing reggae is also highly recommended! You will also hear a lot of music that is slower than what
you might get at a regular partner dance night. These slower tracks provide much better opportunities to interpret
the music and really improve your dancing enjoyment!
When will I hear my music?
We will rotate music throughout the night ensuring all tastes are covered. We will try and provide short
blocks of each style. There is nothing worse than only having one tune to get your feet and brains to engage on a
salsa track before the style switches to something different. There is equally nothing worse than listening to a long set
of music you aren't comfortable dancing to. These style blocks will continue rotating many times during
the night so you wont ever have to wait long for your favourite style. We will also run a second very cosy
room where we will restrict music to tango, mellow acoustic tunes, and loads of slow blues. These styles will
of course feature throughout the evening in the main area as well!
Is there any music you wont play?
It's highly unlikely you will hear heavy metal or grunge at decaDance! We also will not play high tempo garage +
house. There are countless clubs which cater for this style and even when we manage to find a beat we can keep up
with, we dont find much room for dance interpretation.
To quote one of the late Oscar Peterson's finest album titles - 'We get requests'...... If they
fit our musical policy we will try and source them for you and play them on the night. Only thing we ask is
if you request it please dance to it! You can also ask us on the night but we can't guarantee we will have it with us.
Love it, hate it!
We get lots of feedback about music and encourage you to keep sending your comments about what you like as well as dislike
to We will continue to adapt our playlists to reflect our musical policy AND what our customers want to hear.
whilst we want you to love most of what we play we also anticipate and desire that you hate some of it as well!
During six hours of dancing, catering for so many different styles, you will probably hear some music you don't
particularly like. If you loved absolutely everything then we are simply not taking enough risks. DecaDance
is not about playing safe and only playing the same old floor fillers. It is about experimentation, pushing
boundaries and interpretation. Who knows we may even unearth a few new classics of our own.
So don't get stressed, have a break in the comfy chairs, chat to someone new, get a drink or visit the smaller room
at the back. Thats why to ensure that you always have an alternative we operate two distinct rooms. Our next events
will have more varied styles available in the smaller room so you should always find something you love dancing to.