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What is TangoBootCamp?
Most of us are familiar with the bootcamp concept. Originally army associated it is now frequently seen in other areas (including mainstream business, reality tv talent shows and in US it is common for dance events). For us bootcamp is all about hardwork, no-pain-nogain atmosphere, firm but supportive instructors, shared experience with like minded individuals and perhaps most importantly the feeling of reward associated with successfully passing through bootcamp.
Why did you develop TangoBootCamp? 
We believe TangoBootCamp is the solution to a real need. That is to get beginners dancing tango more quickly and with more confidence. We are dancers ourselves and although reasonably accomplished in other styles, our Tango progress has been slow and often painful. Sometimes it's felt that its been the case of one step forward and two steps back (and thats not the dancing!).  When we talk to other people we realise that virtually everyone who has fallen for Tango's charms has had a similar experience.
We therefore decided to try and translate some of the better learning experiences from other dances and countries to develop a programme that could accelerate the learning curve and really stepchange the experience for beginners.
Why is TangoBootCamp different from other programmes?
Intensity - We believe you need to dance an awful lot of tango to even start to feel the dance, let alone get some confidence in it. This is 12+ hours of tango tuition in one hit. With the evening events add another 2 or 3 hours to that total! Most beginners workshops are only 3 hours and even a starter course will only be maybe 5 or 6 hours spread over probably a couple of months.
Structure - Other dance styles most notably Modern Jive have an organisation or structure that helps beginners to learn quickly. Moves have names, tips are given how to link moves together, lessons have a clear structure, there is often a reprise lesson to revise the learning. Not always but frequently this structure is lacking with tango.
Learning tools - Even with the best will in the world we all forget probably 80% of what we have been told. We will provide a clear set of notes which will demystify Argentine Tango, consolidate the teaching and will be a useful reference
for you once the weekend is over. We will also provide a free DVD of Alex and Strefano dancing all the moves they have taught.
Teachers - We deliberately partnered with teachers who not only are internationally respected but also open minded enough to try something different. The combination of their fantastic teaching and our more intensive and structured syllabus will we believe help to deliver some breakthrough results.
Socialising -This weekend will also be fun! You will meet some great people and many of whom will probably remain friends as you build your tango network. There will be plenty of opportunity to chat/review progress and in the evenings let your hair down. Unlike other dance styles it is almost a requirement to have a glass of wine when you dance tango socially!  We have arranged a fantastic laid back party for the Saturday night (with practica space for the very keen!) On sunday weather permiting we will have our first post graduation dances on the hove seafront where we will also take a nice group picture of the class of April 2008. After that we will tackle head on the intimidation often felt when first visiting a milonga by having you attend one on your second day of tango learning! Dont worry you will all be in it together and will have a ball. We will also invite some friendly  local tango dancers along to help you out and integrate you into the local scene.
Who is TangoBootCamp aimed at?
TangoBootCamp is aimed at ANYONE who has ever harboured a burning desire to dance Argentine Tango AND is willing to put in the effort required to make that desire a reality. Tango dancers come in all shapes and sizes and from all different social backgronds. One thing binds this group together and that is the LOVE of dancing tango.  Additionally they generally share the desire to constantantly improve their dancing. 
Is TangoBootCamp for me?
To help answer this we have given you a little checklist to consider:
Desire! You will need to work  hard and probably suffer a bit of frustration along the way to make the most out of the weekend. To borrow from that great series 'Fame.' 'You want Tango, well tango costs and TangoBootCamp is right where you start paying.'
Stamina and Concentration. Although Tango is not as physically demanding as many other dance styles, you will be on your feet a long time so obviously need to be fit and healthy. You also need to be able to concentrate and focus  on the techniques and concepts.  
Not Required at all
Any previous experience of Argentine Tango. The course is designed for total beginners. Of course improvers would be welcome and still benefit from revising their technique with such fantastic teachers. The great tangueros still practice basic ochos for 20 minutes a day!
A partner.  You do not need to book with a partner although if you can do it would help balance lead and follows. We will rotate classes throughout and much of the teaching in fact splits leads and follows anyway.
Not Required but can sometimes be helpful
Any previous partner dance experience. You do not NEED to have experience of other dance styles to enjoy and become confident in Argentine Tango. Many people successfully start their partner dance journey with tango and never dance another style. 
Similarly, many social dancers of other styles enjoy the fresh challenge tango provides. If you have danced other styles before you may find it helpful at the start. Some general concepts (like frame, posture, connection, lead +follow) are similar and some steps may even look familiar. However you must be prepared to start with an open mind and accept that it is a different dance and you will be a beginner again.
Do I need a partner?
See above
Do I need to be a dancer?
See above. 
How will the teaching be structured?
Teaching will be aimed at getting you familiar with between 8-10 moves and most importantly giving you the tools/tips to confidently string them together. The precise syllabus will be published in advance and the DVD and handouts will reflect this syllabus.
Alex and Stefano advocate rotation of partners but you can of course practice with your partner between the teaching sessions. You also will spend a lot of time learning separately the lead and follow roles. We will recap previous learnings at all stages and try and link relevant elements together. Alex + Stefano are incredibly perceptive teachers and pace the lesson according to students understanding/abilities. They encourage questions throughout and answer them honestly and clearly.
What is the significance of the boot and logo?
The boot obviously reflects the idea of a 'bootcamp.'  In our case, the boot also means much more. The first letter of the boot logo, 'b' illustrates the ugly clunky boot which is a metaphor for the hard work and effort you will need to put into not only this weekend but the rest of your tango journey. The last letter of the word 't' is styled in the shape of a lovely stiletto representing the reward and feeling of unparalleled beauty you achieve when you dance a great tango. You wear the boot as a means to get to the ends which is the stiletto. Gents, dont be put off -for you it would be the beautiful patent leather cuban heeled tango  shoe.
What are my options for accomodation?
Please see 'Accom'
Why isn't accomodation included in the package?
Firstly, many of our expected students will live relatively local to the bootcamp venue. It would be unfair to force them to pay for accomodation that they wouldn't necessarily require.
Secondly, people who require accomodation will undoubtedly have different budgets and quality requirements. There is a reasonable range of options in the local area which will meet most needs and budgets.
Finally, after exploring spring accomodation and event packages with a number of hotels we concluded that they are too restrictive and not really value for money!
What happens after i've completed TangoBootCamp?
Of course TangoBootCamp is just the start of your hopefully, long and rewarding tango journey. To fully benefit from your learning you will need to practice, practice some more and when you've finished that practice again. We organise follow up TangoBootCamp events to develop your learning but in the interim periods you should definately attend local classes and of course milongas. There are some fantastic teachers around the country who can help you consolidate the TangoBootCamp learning and keep you going with new stuff until the next TangoBootCamp.